Bibliografia Ferroviaria Italiana


Termini. Cornerstone of modern Rome

Roma : Edizioni Quasar, 2017.
Pagine 168. Cm. 28x21.
Collana "Papers of the Royal Netherlands Intitute in Rome" ; 64
ISBN 978-88-7140-813-2
Indice del libro
Introduction: Servio Tullio prende il treno
Mixing memory and desire: heritageography in Modern Rome
Confronting the "classical": Roots and regulations
I - Termini Before Termini
Walls and Gauls: The area of Termini in antiquity
Sunlit symbolism: Termini from the Middle Ages to the nineteenth century
Return to the villa: Archaeology and commerce in the Enlightenment
II - Termini I: From Papal Station to Italian Station
"Chemin de fer, chemin d'enfer": Building a papal railway
The expropriation of Villa Massimo
A Station is born: Excavating the Servian wall
Focal point of the nation: Destruction and discovery
III - The Five Hundred and the Lion. Negotiating Terms at Termini
Remembering a King and five hundreds soldiers: The Dogali monument
Restaging empire: The archaeological exhibition of 1911
The obelisk and the lion: The fascist takeover at Termini
Termini II: Fascist Flanks, Roman Dinosaur
"The first and last salute from Rome": Debating the future of Termini
Enter Mazzoni: The modern and the classical
War: From optimism to opportunism
Changing facades: the post-war competition and the final design
The last debate: Terminating Termini
Conclusion: Servio Tullio perde il treno?
Heritageography, memory and desire
Cornered stones, cornerstone
Index of names
Publications of the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome
Recensione di Salvatore Settis in "Il Sole 24 Ore Domenica", 11 marzo 2018, pagina 1

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